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『Code as Creative Medium』サポートページ

このページは、『Code as Creative Medium 創造的なプログラミング教育のための実践ガイドブック』で示されているURLをまとめたサポートページです。(2022年1月12日更新)

p.3 コードリポジトリ
p.18 / *1 Leah Buechley :: wats:ON? TRANSFORMER 2012
p.18 / *2 Computing Education Lessons Learned from the 2010’s: What I Got Wrong
p.18 / *3 Ben Fry & Casey Reas - Eyeo Festival 2011
p.18 / *4 『Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences』
p.18 / *6 IdN v19n5: Interactive Design — Perfecting those Air to Surface Missiles
p.18 / *7 Art as Intervention: A Guide to Today's Radical Art Practices
p.18 / *8 ツイート
p.18 / *9 ツイート
p.18 / *12 『メディア論―人間の拡張の諸相』
p.18 / *13 New Media Artworks: Prequels to Everyday Life
p.18 / *14 Creating Creating
p.18 / *15 『Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life』
p.18 / *15 ツイート
p.18 / *17 What can WE do? The international artist in the age of resurgent nationalism
p.18 / *18 VOICES; John Maeda
p.18 / *19 Strange and Unstable Fabrication
p.18 / *21 The Future of Democracy
p.18 / *22 The Environment Is Not A System
p.18 / *23 MIT Media Lab: Momentum Dedication
p.18 / *24 Computational Fluency
p.18 / *24 『Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in A Digital World』
p.18 / *26 Situating Constructionism
p.18 / *28 Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life
p.18 / *29 Heather Dewey-Hagborg at The Influencers 2016
p.18 / *30 Refresh
p.18 / *31 『Data Feminism』
p.18 / *32 Democratize Design
p.18 / *33 The Technologists in the Studio: Nettrice Gaskins highlights the connections between communities, cultures, arts, and STEM
p.18 / *34 Infrastructures of abstraction: how computer science education produces anti-political subjects
p.18 / *34 Kosbie's automated plagiarism detector demo
p.18 / *35 『とびこえよ、その囲いを』
p.18 / *36 『二つの文化と科学革命 新装版』
第1部 学習課題
p.27 David Bailey's World of Tessellations
p.27 The Search for Quasi-Periodicity in Islamic 5-fold Ornament
p.27 『The Handweaver's Pattern Directory』
p.27 『African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design』
p.27 Fabric Cybernetics
p.27 『Tilings and Patterns』
p.27 Wallpaper Collection
p.27 『The Grammar of Ornament』
p.27 Albert Racinet's L'Ornement Polychrome (1869–73)
p.27 {Software} Structures
p.27 『Patterns in Design, Art and Architecture』
p.33 『The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals』
p.33 Sci-fi Crime Drama with a Strong Black Lead
p.33 Facial Action Coding System
p.33 Más Que la Cara overview
p.33 『芸術としてのデザイン』
p.33 『Face to Face』
p.33 『Changing Faces』
p.38 Dr. Donna Carroll: „It’s about time: A brief history of the calendar and the development of timekeeping“
p.39 『Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production』
p.39 『The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media』
p.39 『Time (Documents of Contemporary Art)』
p.39 Clocks in New Media
p.39 How Different Cultures Understand Time
p.44 Generative Methods
p.44 Worlding Raga: 2 – What is a World?
p.44 『A Companion to Digital Art』
p.44 Eyeo 2014
p.44 Ten Questions Concerning Generative Computer Art
p.44 SimCities and SimCrises
p.44 / *i So you want to build a generator…
p.48 『シミュラークルとシミュレーション』
p.48 『Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology』
p.48 Lenia: Biology of Artificial Life
p.48 『Emissaries Guide to Worlding』
p.48 Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters
p.48 『Nature of Code -Processingではじめる自然現象のシミュレーション-』
p.48 『Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life』
p.53 My Chuck Close Problem
p.53 『From Point to Pixel: A Genealogy of Digital Aesthetics』
p.53 『Artyping』
p.53 Unraveling the JPEG
p.53 Photomosaics : putting pictures in their place
p.53 『Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology』
p.60 Machine Drawing Drawing Machines
p.60 Extending Manual Drawing Practices with Artist-Centric Programming Tools
p.60 Interactive Art and Computational Design, Spring 2016
p.60 Eyeo 2015
p.60 Instruments for Dynamic Abstraction
p.60 / *i Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system
p.65 『The Alphabetic Labyrinth: The Letters in History and Imagination』
p.65 What Is Algorithmic Typography? Will It Replace Font Designers?
p.65 The Concept of a Meta-Font
p.65 Typeface As Programme
p.65 『Thinking with Type, 2nd revised and expanded edition: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students』
p.65 Programming Design Systems
p.65 Modular Typography
p.65 Typeface As Programme
p.65 『Dexter Sinister - Bulletins of the Serving Library #3』
p.65 Super-Veloz: Modular Modern
p.65 / *i Designing type systems
p.71 『W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America』
p.71 Measurement and Its Discontents
p.71 Data portraits
p.71 『ビジュアライジング・データ ―Processingによる情報視覚化手法』
p.71 Data Humanism: The Revolutionary Future of Data Visualization
p.71 『We Are Here: An Atlas of Aotearoa』
p.71 『Creative Coding and Data Visualization with p5.js: Drawing on the Web with JavaScript 』
p.71 『Self-Tracking』
p.71 Heartbreak and the Quantified Selfie
p.71 A chronology of tactics: Art tackles Big Data and the environment
p.71 『The Visual Display of Quantitative Information』
p.71 From Paint to Pixels
p.77 『Projection mapping A Complete Guide』
p.77 Building Projection Round-Up
p.77 『Augmented Reality in public spaces. Basic Techniques for video mapping』
p.77 『A Manual for Urban Projection』
p.77 The Designer's Guide to Overprojection
p.82 Physical Barriers in Video Games
p.82 One Button Games
p.82 Experimental Game Design
p.82 Two Hundred Fifty Things a Game Designer Should Know
p.82 『ルールズ・オブ・プレイ(上)』
p.82 『ルールズ・オブ・プレイ(下)』
p.82 / *i Towards minimalist game design
p.86 What is the Value of a Bot?
p.86 On Paying Attention: How to Think about Bots as Social Actors
p.86 A Brief Survey of Journalistic Twitter Bot Projects
p.86 Talking to Machines
p.86 The 10 Best Twitterbots That Are Also Net Art
p.86 The bot scare
p.86 Twitter bots as digital writing assignments.
p.86 Bots: A definition and some historical threads
p.86 The Secret Life of Pronouns: James Pennebaker at TEDxAustin
p.86 Twitter Bot Encyclopedia
p.86 A protest bot is a bot so specific you can’t mistake it for bullshit
p.86 Activist Bots: Helpful But Missing Human Love?
p.86 How to Think About Bots
p.86 / *i Exploring (Semantic) Space With (Literal) Robots
p.91 Crowdsourced Art: When the Masses Play Nice
p.91 『Out Of Control: The New Biology Of Machines, Social Systems, And The Economic World』
p.91 The Work of Art in the Age of Mediated Participation: Crowdsourced Art and Collective Creativity
p.91 Exploring Qualitative Displays and Interfaces
p.91 All Together Now: Artists and Crowdsourcing
p.91 『Crowd and Art - Kunst und Partizipation im Internet』
p.91 『Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution』
p.91 Wikipedia – an unplanned miracle
p.91 Crowdsourcing: The art of a crowd
p.91 When Pixels Collide
p.97 『Telematic Embrace』
p.97 Conversation and Computation
p.98 『Lurking: How a Person Became a User』
p.98 Here/There: Telepresence, Touch, and Art at the Interface
p.98 / *i Remote Play / Remote Work
p.102 A User's Guide to Détournement
p.102 Protocol, or, How Control Exists after Decentralization
p.102 Net Art Anthology
p.102 How your web browser affects your online reality, explained in one image
p.107 Hiding in Plain Sight. Amy Suo Wu’s The Kandinsky Collective
p.107 Cryptography as a Pedagogical Tool
p.107 The Weavers and Their Information Webs: Steganography in the Textile Arts
p.107 Hidden in Plain Sight: The Steganographic Image
p.107 『CODE コードから見たコンピュータのからくり』
p.107 The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work
p.107 Chamber Guide
p.107 A Sea of Data: Apophenia and Pattern (Mis-)Recognition
p.113 April 2: Contemporary Vocal Interfaces
p.113 Hands-on Speech Science Exhibition for Children at a Science Museum
p.114 The Weird And Wonderful World Of Nicole He's Technological Art
p.114 『Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression』
p.114 Five Artificial Intelligence Insiders in Their Own Words
p.114 Voices in and of the machine: Source orientation toward mobile virtual assistants
p.114 Fifteen Unconventional Uses of Voice Technology
p.114 Talking to Computers
p.114 Inauthentically Speaking: Speech Technology, Accent Bias and Digital Imperialism
p.114 Episode 4: Halcyon Lawrence / When I Talk to Siri
p.114 Urban Auscultation; or, Perceiving the Action of the Heart
p.114 Media and Prosthesis: The Vocoder, the Artificial Larynx, and the History of Signal Processing
p.114 『Emotional Labor in the 21st Century』
p.114 Vocal Vowels
p.114 Humans, Machines, and Conversations: An Ethnographic Study of the Making of Automatic Speech Recognition Technologies
p.119 Suspicious Images, Latent Interfaces
p.119 『Data Feminism』
p.119 『How to Do Things With Sensors』
p.119 A Futureproofed Power Meter
p.119 When Proof Is Not Enough
p.119 『Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed』
p.127 『行為と演技―日常生活における自己呈示』
p.127 『猿と女とサイボーグ ―自然の再発明―新装版』
p.127 『How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics』
p.127 『What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World』
p.127 『See Yourself Sensing: Redefining Human Perception』
p.136 『形の合成に関するノート/都市はツリーではない』
p.136 『The 3D Additivist Cookbook』
p.136 Architecture Research Quarterly: Computational Tools in Architecture, Cybernetic Theory, Rationalisation and Objectivity
p.136 『Morphing: A Guide to Mathematical Transformations for Architects and Designers』
p.136 List of Physical Visualizations and Related Artifacts
p.136 『Parametric Design for Architecture』
p.136 『Parametric Form Finding in Contemporary Architecture: The Simplicity Within The Complexity Of Modern Architectural Form』
p.136 Parametric 3D Form
p.136 『On Growth and Form』
p.136 『Printing Things: Visions and Essentials for 3D Printing』
p.136 『[En]Coding Architecture - the book』
p.142 unusual monuments
p.142 『Subway Art』
p.142 『Augmented Reality Art: From an Emerging Technology to a Novel Creative Medium』
p.142 Notes on Design Activism
p.142 『Street Art and Social Movements』
p.142 The Ultimate Display
p.142 『Cut It Out』
p.148 Gender Shades
p.148 Excavating AI
p.148 The Chronocyclegraph
p.148 The History of the Interface in Interactive Art
p.148 A Brief History of Motion-Capture in the Movies
p.148 Human Pose and Motion
p.148 Face as interface
p.148 Light Painting Photography
p.148 A Visual Journey Through Addiction
p.148 Social immersive media: pursuing best practices for multi-user interactive camera/projector exhibits
p.148 『Interactive Art and Embodiment: The Implicit Body as Performance』
p.148 How We Created a New Way to Depict Addiction Visually
p.148 Goodbye Uncanny Valley
p.148 / *i 2019: A Face Odyssey
p.148 / *ii Fairytales of Motion
p.148 / *iii 『Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life』
p.153 Perceptual Correspondences of Abstract Animation and Synthetic Sound
p.153 『See this Sound: Audiovisuology: A Reader』
p.153 Sons & Lumières: Une histoire du son dans l'art du XXe siècle
p.153 『VJ: Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture』
p.153 Audiovisual Composition
p.154 『Instruments and the Imagination』
p.154 『Scores: An Anthology of New Music』
p.154 Audiovisual Software Art: A Partial History
p.154 Making Your Own Musical Instruments with P5.js, Arduino, and WebMIDI
p.154 Interactive Video As A Way Of Life
p.154 『The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985』
p.154 『ディジタル・ハーモニー―音楽とビジュアル・アートの新しい融合を求めて』
p.154 Fifty Years of Composing Computer Music and Graphics: How Time's New Solid-State Tractability Has Changed Audio-Visual Perspectives
p.154 / *i 『フロー体験 喜びの現象学』
p.154 / *ii Painterly Interfaces for Audiovisual Performance
第2部 エクササイズ
p.157 {Software} Structures
p.157 Processing.A4
p.157 Mathematickal Arts
p.157 『Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings by Yoko Ono』
p.157 / *1 Here Are the Instructions for Sol LeWitt’s 1971 Wall Drawing for the School of the MFA Boston
p.157 / *2 The Beach
p.157 / *3 Dots and Boxes
p.157 / *4 Sprouts (game)
p.157 / *5 Zoom Schwartz Profigliano
p.157 / *6 『Creative Code: Aesthetics + Computation』
p.157 / *7 The Human Fax Machine Experiment
p.162 RGB Colorspace Atlas
p.162 『Chromatic Algorithms: Synthetic Color, Computer Art, and Aesthetics after Code』
p.162 Color models and color spaces
p.162 Perceptually uniform color spaces
p.162 Subtleties of Color
p.162 / *1 The Colorist's Cookbook
p.165 / *1 『10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10』
p.165 / *2 ツイート
p.165 / *3 Interruptions
p.169 / *1 Typography
p.169 / *2 This Is Not a Small Voice
p.169 / *3 Strings and Drawing Text
p.169 / *4 TYPOGRAPHY
p.169 / *5 Geomerative
p.169 / *6 Character representation of grey scale images
p.171 / *1 Butt Generator
p.171 / *2 drawCircle
p.171 / *3 Turtle’s Phyllotactic Spiral
p.171 / *4 Curves
p.171 / *5 Guest Tutorial #7: Circle Morphing with Golan Levin
p.171 / *6 p5.func
p.171 / *6 Easing Functions
p.173 / *1, 2 Procedural Shapes
p.173 / *3 Compactness measure of a shape
p.175 / *1, 2 Points, lines, and planes
p.175 / *3 Circles and spheres
p.178 / *1 『ISOTYPE[アイソタイプ]』
p.178 / *2 『ビジュアライジング・データ ―Processingによる情報視覚化手法』
p.178 / *3 Big Five Personality Test
p.178 / *4 Rat Sightings
p.178 / *5 International Space Station Current Location
p.178 / *5 Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript
p.178 / *6 Scrapism
p.178 / *7 How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?
p.181 / *1 Corpora
p.181 / *1 Tracer
p.181 / *2 RiTa
p.181 / *2 NLTK
p.181 / *3 Markovify
p.181 / *4 Coding Challenge #40.3: TF-IDF
p.181 / *5 The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
p.183 / *1 Coding Challenge #14: Fractal Trees - Recursive
p.183 / *2 6.1: Autonomous Agents and Steering - The Nature of Code
p.183 / *3 Coding Challenge #50.1: Animated Circle Packing - Part 1
p.183 / *4 7.3: The Game of Life - The Nature of Code
p.183 / *5 Coding Challenge #34: Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
p.183 / *6 Morphogenesis Resources
p.186 Experimental Game Design
p.186 Machine Learning for the Web
p.186 Machine Learning for Artists
p.186 Runway
p.186 / *1 ImageClassifier
p.186 / *2 Teachable Machine
p.186 / *2 ツイート
p.186 / *3 Webcam2Emoji
p.186 / *4 ml5.js Pose Estimation with PoseNet
p.186 / *6 Sentiment
p.189 / *1 『Draw It With Your Eyes Closed: The Art of the Art Assignment』
p.242 / *1 Worms, Butterflies and Dandelions. Open source tools for the arts
p.242 / *2 ツイート
p.242 / *3 User’s Manual
p.242 / *4 The High Stakes of Limited Inclusion
p.242 / *4 Now is the time for social justice philanthropy to invest in emerging media
p.242 / *5 ツイート
p.242 / *6 ツイート
p.242 / *7 ツイート
p.242 / *8 Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn II
p.242 / *9 ツイート
p.242 / *10 ツイート
p.242 / *11 The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking
p.242 / *12 『CRITS: A Student Manual』
p.242 / *12 『Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary』
p.242 / *13 ツイート
p.242 / *14 Let's Switch Questioning Around
p.242 / *15 『協同学習の技法―大学教育の手引』
p.255 / *1 『Draw It With Your Eyes Closed: The Art of the Art Assignment』
p.255 / *2 『Taking a Line for a Walk: Assignments in design education』
p.255 / *3 Design Techniques and Art Materials in Computer Art
p.255 / *4, 5 Computer Graphics at the University of Munich (West Germany)
p.255 / *6 『FORM+CODE ─デザイン/アート/建築における、かたちとコード』
p.255 / *7 『Generative Design Processingで切り拓く、デザインの新たな地平』
p.255 / *8 『芸術としてのデザイン』
p.255 / *9 『Drawing with Computers』
p.255 / *10 Bla Bla Bla
p.255 / *11 Interactivity
p.255 / *11 Interactivity
p.255 / *12 Introduction to Interactive Graphics (Fall 2004)
p.255 / *13 『Taking a Line for a Walk: Assignments in design education』
p.255 / *14 Organic Form
p.255 / *15 『Design By Numbers―デジタル・メディアのデザイン技法』
p.255 / *16 Computer-related design at the Royal College of Art: 1997 graduation projects
p.255 / *17 Clock
p.255 / *18 Asking What Is Possible: The Georgia Tech Approach to Game Research and Education
p.255 / *19 CMS.950: Comparative Media Studies Workshop I
p.255 / *20 Interactivity
p.255 / *21 Coding Challenge #74: Clock with p5.js
p.255 / *22 A Survey of Procedural Techniques for City Generation
p.255 / *23 The Interactive Image (Fall 2005)
p.255 / *24 CMS.950: Comparative Media Studies Workshop I
p.255 / *25 『Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, second edition』
p.255 / *26 『Generative Design Processingで切り拓く、デザインの新たな地平』
p.255 / *27 『Creative Code: Aesthetics + Computation』
p.255 / *28 singlecell
p.255 / *29 Processing Monsters
p.255 / *30 Processing Monsters by Lukas Vojir
p.255 / *31 Interactivity
p.255 / *31 Interactivity
p.255 / *32 Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters
p.255 / *33 『Nature of Code -Processingではじめる自然現象のシミュレーション-』
p.255 / *34 『Processing:ビジュアルデザイナーとアーティストのためのプログラミング入門』
p.255 / *35 『Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art』
p.255 / *36 『初めてのProcessing 第2版』
p.255 / *37 『Processing for Visual Artists: How to Create Expressive Images and Interactive Art』
p.256 / *38 『FORM+CODE ─デザイン/アート/建築における、かたちとコード』
p.256 / *39 『Generative Design Processingで切り拓く、デザインの新たな地平』
p.256 / *40 Introduction to Interactive Graphics (Fall 2004)
p.256 / *41 『Maeda@Media』
p.256 / *42 『Design By Numbers―デジタル・メディアのデザイン技法』
p.256 / *43 scribble-variations
p.256 / *44 gesture machines
p.256 / *45 From Point A to Point B
p.256 / *46 Design for Interactive Media. UCLA D|MA. Fall 03
p.256 / *47 Programming Media. UCLA D|MA . Spring 04
p.256 / *48 Introduction to Interactive Graphics (Fall 2004)
p.256 / *49 The Interactive Image (Spring 2005)
p.256 / *50 Asking What Is Possible: The Georgia Tech Approach to Game Research and Education
p.256 / *51 Interactivity
p.256 / *51 Interactivity
p.256 / *52 『Generative Design Processingで切り拓く、デザインの新たな地平』
p.25 / *53, 54 『Taking a Line for a Walk: Assignments in design education』
p.256 / *55 Digital Typography
p.256 / *58 Computational Models for Expressive Dimensional Typography
p.256 / *59 Introduction to Interactive Graphics (Fall 2004)
p.256 / *60 『Generative Design Processingで切り拓く、デザインの新たな地平』
p.256 / *61 Data portraits
p.256 / *62 Interactive Art & Computational Design, Spring 2014
p.256 / *63 Augmented sculpture
p.256 / *64 60210-A • Electronic Media Studio 2
p.256 / *65 Physical Barriers in Video Games
p.256 / *66 One Button Games
p.256 / *67 ONE-BUTTON GAMES
p.256 / *68 CANABALT
p.256 / *71-73 『Design By Numbers―デジタル・メディアのデザイン技法』
p.256 / *74 『Creative Code: Aesthetics + Computation』
p.256 / *75 PRISM Break Up
p.256 / *75 CryptoParty.
p.256 / *75 Art Hack Day
p.256 / *76 Lessons Learned from a Mathematical Cryptology Course
p.256 / *76 Cryptography as a Pedagogical Tool
p.256 / *76 Writing and Information Literacy in a Cryptology First-Year Seminar
p.256 / *77 Voice Experiments
p.256 / *78 SCHEDULE
p.256 / *79 Fifteen Unconventional Uses of Voice Technology
p.256 / *80 ITP Data Art - Spring 2016
p.256 / *81 Scrapism
p.256 / *82 60210-A • Electronic Media Studio 2
p.256 / *83 Interactive Environments. UCLA D|MA . Winter 04
p.256 / *84 Interactive Environments . UCLA D|MA . Winter 06
p.257 / *86 AVSYS Homework 7
p.268 『Teaching For People Who Prefer Not To Teach』
p.268 『Conditional Design Workbook』
p.268 『Exploring Algorithmic Tectonics: A Course on Creative Computing in Architecture and Design』
p.268 『The Photographer's Playbook: 307 Assignments and Ideas』
p.268 『Do It』
p.268 『Wicked Arts Assignments: Practising Creativity in Contemporary Arts Education』
p.268 『Digital Design Exercises for Architecture Students』
p.268 『Grapefruit: A Book of Instructions and Drawings by Yoko Ono』
p.268 『Taking a Line for a Walk: Assignments in design education』
p.268 『Draw It With Your Eyes Closed: The Art of the Art Assignment』
p.268 『How to Be an Explorer of the World: Portable Life Museum』
p.268 『The 3D Additivist Cookbook』
p.268 『未来を築くデザインの思想 ─ポスト人間中心デザインへ向けて読むべき24のテキスト』
p.268 『Mass Effect: Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century』
p.268 『Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environments』
p.268 『From Point to Pixel: A Genealogy of Digital Aesthetics』
p.268 『A Touch of Code: Interactive Installations and Experiences』
p.268 『Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art』
p.268 『10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10』
p.268 『A Companion to Digital Art』
p.268 『Digital Art (World of Art)』
p.268 『Zeros and Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture』
p.268 『FORM+CODE ─デザイン/アート/建築における、かたちとコード』
p.268 『Critical Fabulations: Reworking the Methods and Margins of Design』
p.268 『Art and Electronic Media』
p.268 『When the Machine Made Art』
p.268 『New Media Art』
p.268 『Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life』
p.268 『Syllabus: Notes from an Accidental Professor』
p.268 『Teaching Design: A Guide to Curriculum and Pedagogy for College Design Faculty and Teachers Who Use Design in Their Classrooms』
p.268 『Design and Form: The Basic Course at the Bauhaus and Later』
p.269 『Teaching Artist Handbook, Volume One: Tools, Techniques, and Ideas to Help Any Artist Teach』
p.269 『教育スケッチブック(新装版 バウハウス叢書)』
p.269 『Computational Drawing: From Foundational Exercises to Theories of Representation』
p.268 『The ABC's of Triangle, Square, Circle: The Bauhaus and Design Theory』
p.269 『Man: Teaching Notes from the Bauhaus』
p.269 『The Visual Display of Quantitative Information』
p.269 『Principles of Two-Dimensional Design』
p.268 『Generative Design with p5.js[p5.js版ジェネラティブデザイン] ─ウェブでのクリエイティブ・コーディング』
p.269 『Creating Procedural Artworks with Processing: A Holistic Guide』
p.269 『ビジュアライジング・データ ―Processingによる情報視覚化手法』
p.269 The Book of Shaders
p.269 『Making Things Talk ―Arduinoで作る「会話」するモノたち』
p.269 Programming Design Systems
p.269 『Design By Numbers―デジタル・メディアのデザイン技法』
p.269 『Getting Started with p5.js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing』
p.269 『Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities, second edition』
p.269 『Creative Coding and Data Visualization with p5.js: Drawing on the Web with JavaScript』
p.269 『Getting Started with Processing.py: Making Interactive Graphics with Processing's Python Mode』
p.269 『CODE: コードから見たコンピュータのからくり』
p.269 『Processing:ビジュアルデザイナーとアーティストのためのプログラミング入門』
p.269 『初めてのProcessing 第2版』
p.269 『Nature of Code -Processingではじめる自然現象のシミュレーション-』
p.269 『Drawing with Computers』
p.269 『シミュラークルとシミュレーション』
p.269 『Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code』
p.269 『ニュー・ダーク・エイジ テクノロジーと未来についての10の考察』
p.269 『Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression』
p.269 『Data Feminism』
p.269 『猿と女とサイボーグ ―自然の再発明―新装版』
p.269 『How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics』
p.269 『Chromatic Algorithms: Synthetic Color, Computer Art, and Aesthetics after Code』
p.269 『Lurking: How a Person Became a User』
p.269 『何もしない』
p.269 『In Your Computer』
p.269 『デューティーフリー・アート:課されるものなき芸術 星を覆う内戦時代のアート』
p.270 / 1 Spamghetto
p.270 / 3 Ceramic Tile Tessellations in Marrakech
p.270 / 5 Wallpaper
p.270 / 6 UNTITLED
p.270 / 8 Weird Faces
p.270 / 9 Stranger Visions
p.270 / 10 The Use of Faces to Represent Points in k-Dimensional Space Graphically
p.270 / 11 Making Procedural People
p.270 / 12 Parametric Expression
p.270 / 13 All The Universe is Full of The Lives of Perfect Creatures
p.270 / 14 Prescribed to Death
p.270 / 15 CenterClock
p.270 / 16 Last Clock
p.270 / 17 Banded Clock
p.270 / 18 All the Minutes
p.270 / 19 Standard Time
p.270 / 20 Ink Calendar
p.270 / 21 Dantilon: The Brutal Deluxe
p.270 / 22 Lonely Planets
p.270 / 23 『フラクタル幾何学(上)』
p.270 / 23 『フラクタル幾何学(下)』
p.270 / 24 mirror lake
p.270 / 25 Substrate
p.270 / 26 San Andreas Streaming Deer Cam
p.270 / 27 Connected Worlds
p.270 / 28 CORA the tortoise
p.270 / 29 Evolved Virtual Creatures
p.270 / 30 0,16
p.271 / 31 South of the Border
p.271 / 32 Computer Nude (Studies in Perception I)
p.271 / 33 Garbage Selfie
p.271 / 34 Numbers and Trees: Central Park Series II
p.271 / 35 10,000 Cents
p.271 / 36 Peg Mirror
p.271 / 37 Chuck Close Filter
p.271 / 38 alone together
p.271 / 39 Drawing Operations
p.271 / 40 Tree Drawings
p.271 / 41 Sketch Furniture Performance Design
p.271 / 42 LASER TAG
p.271 / 43 Sloppy Forgeries
p.271 / 45 Dynadraw
p.271 / 46 ALPHABOT
p.271 / 47 TYPEFACE
p.271 / 49 type me, type me not
p.271 / 50 Robotype 3: Sujigen, Mojigen, and 7x7.
p.271 / 51 Abc con fantasia
p.271 / 52 Schriftsystem
p.271 / 53 Fregio Mecano
p.271 / 54 Bit.Fall
p.271 / 55 Iconic History - a browser history visualization
p.271 / 56 Dear Data
p.271 / 57 Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995
p.271 / 58 Themail: Email visualization
p.271 / 59 Biorhythm
p.271 / 60 Stay
p.271 / 61 Warsaw Projection
p.271 / 62 Displacements
p.271 / 63 Sunset Solitaire
p.271 / 64 Nuage Vert à Ivry
p.271 / 65 Scenic Jogging
p.271 / 66 Apparition
p.271 / 67 Keyfleas
p.271 / 68 Augmented sculpture
p.272 / 69 Delicate Boundaries
p.272 / 70 Wildlife
p.272 / 71 Flappy Bird
p.272 / 72 Finger Battle
p.272 / 73 MOON WALTZ
p.272 / 75 Hit Me!
p.272 / 76 Swordfight
p.272 / 77 Art Assignment Bot
p.272 / 78 The Ephemerides
p.272 / 79 twitter bots
p.272 / 80 Reverse OCR
p.272 / 81 Random Darknet Shopper
p.272 / 82 CSPAN 5
p.272 / 83 Exhausting a Crowd
p.272 / 84 Rock cairn at Cairn Sasunnaich, Scotland
p.272 / 85 The Telegarden
p.272 / 86 Sluts Across America
p.272 / 87 Dead Drops
p.272 / 88 Do Not Touch
p.272 / 89 The Smaller Picture
p.272 / 90 r/place/
p.272 / 91 Iyapo Repository
p.272 / 92 Hole in Space
p.272 / 93 The Trace
p.272 / 94 The Space Between Us
p.272 / 95 Motion Phone
p.272 / 96 POOPCHAT PRO
p.272 / 97 meatspace
p.272 / 98 The online Museum of Multiplayer Art / LIKELIKE Online
p.272 / 99 SANDY SPEAKS
p.272 / 100 Decodelia
p.272 / 101 We See In Every Direction
p.272 / 102 Add-Art
p.272 / 103 Newstweek
p.272 / 104 us+
p.272 / 105 Thunderclap
p.272 / 108 Block Bills
p.272 / 109 Disarming Corruptor
p.272 / 110 Biopresence
p.272 / 111 Talking Popcorn
p.273 / 112 The Notepad
p.273 / 113 DiNA
p.273 / 114 Conversations with Bina48
p.273 / 115 Hey Robot
p.273 / 116 The Giver of Names
p.273 / 117 When Things Talk Back
p.273 / 118 Game of Phones
p.273 / 119 Pink Trombone
p.273 / 120 Blendie
p.273 / 122 SUiCIDE BOX
p.273 / 123 The Deep Sweep
p.273 / 124 This or That
p.273 / 125 Revolving Games
p.273 / 126 The Babbling Brook
p.273 / 127 Picture Sky
p.273 / 128 The Library of Missing Datasets
p.273 / 129 Dialogue: goggles
p.273 / 130 Menstruation Machine, Takashi's Take
p.273 / 131 ScreamBody
p.273 / 132 Archisuits
p.273 / 133 Animal Superpowers
p.273 / 134 Engineering at Home
p.273 / 135 Entry Holes and Exit Wounds
p.273 / 136 Urban Armor #7: The Social Escape Dress
p.273 / 137 The Rift: An Afronaut's Journey
p.273 / 138 fahz
p.273 / 139 Kinematics Dress
p.273 / 140 Interactive Evolutionary Design with Region-of-Interest Selection for Spatiotemporal Ideation & Generation
p.273 / 140 Interactive Evolutionary Design with Region-of-Interest Selection for Spatiotemporal Ideation & Generation
p.273 / 141 Grand Old Party
p.273 / 142 Filament Sculptures
p.273 / 143 Numeric Milling
p.273 / 144 Wage Islands
p.273 / 145 Wildfire Progression Series
p.273 / 146 3D Printed Record
p.273 / 148 Open Fit Lab
p.273 / 149 Material Speculation: ISIS
p.273 / 150 Hyper-Reality
p.273 / 151 Golden Calf
p.273 / 152 Nail Art Museum
p.273 / 153 The Whole Story
p.274 / 154 the leak in your home town
p.274 / 155 The Exit Glacier
p.274 / 156 Augmented Nature
p.274 / 157 Body, Movement, Language: AI Sketches With Bill T. Jone
p.274 / 158 Forms
p.274 / 159 Walking City
p.274 / 160 Miroir
p.274 / 161 Más Que la Cara
p.274 / 161 Más Que la Cara overview
p.274 / 162 In C
p.274 / 163 Sonic Wire Sculptor
p.274 / 164 Psychic Synth
p.274 / 165 Patatap
p.274 / 166 SUFI PLUG INS
p.274 / 167 Hundred Rabbits
p.274 / p.158 15104 & 60212 • COMPUTATION for CREATIVE PRACTICES
p.274 / p.185 MSCHF Drop #12: This Foot Does Not Exist
p.274 / p.185 UMAP Plot of the OpenMoji Emoji Collection
p.274 / p.245 Computer Graphics at the University of Munich
p.274 / p.246 Drawing with Computers
p.274 / p.247 mas961(G): ORGANIC FORM
p.274 / p.248 Processing Monsters
p.283 ProCamToolKit
p.298 chromatophony
p.298 植物デッサン100531